As a long time guest of Abyss, Ratti had adapted well. The only problem she has is that any books she attempts to read under water seem to disintegrate rather quick. Maybe if you bring some books to Ratti, she will reward you with a waterproof edition of an Abyss or Badgeria pet or health pedia.
Items you can gain from this quest:

PetPedia - Yorkshire Terrier

PetPedia - Skunk

PetPedia - Raccoon

PetPedia - Wild Boar

PetPedia - Porcupine

PetPedia - Pig

PetPedia - Hare

HealthPedia - Suidae

HealthPedia - Procyonidae

HealthPedia - Hystricidae

PetPedia - Lynx

PetPedia - Mink

PetPedia - Pigeon

PetPedia - Poodle

PetPedia - Sheep

HealthPedia - Mephitidae

PetPedia - Giant Squid

PetPedia - Sea Turtle

PetPedia - Dolphin

PetPedia - Moray Eel

Petpedia - Orca

PetPedia - Sea Otter

HealthPedia - Delphinidae

PetPedia - Bernese Mtn Dog

PetPedia - Sloth

Healthpedia - Xenarthra